My Journey From Being Lost In Life To Living My Souls Purpose

and channeling interdimensional energies...

My journey of personal development started years ago when I realized I was following other people's opinions and society’s standards, trying to fit in. I was afraid of being myself. In fact, I didn’t even know who I truly was. I was sad, anxious, doubtful, depressed, insecure, stuffed with debilitating beliefs, and in many ways stuck in life.

I spent years looking through all available sources of information in psychology, brain science, neuroplasticity, mind-body connection, and The Law of Attraction. I followed many motivational speakers, spiritual leaders, success gurus, influencers, I found different techniques and methods that never gave me a significant shift, until...

I discovered Quantum Healing and everything shifted at warp speed

My life was different, but it was never about me - I wanted to explore what’s possible in the Quantum Field and lead by example. I knew that I have a tool to help others transform their lives instantaneously. It became my mission to create a world-changing impact by helping coaches and healers to break free from their limitations and create a transformational shift in their clients' lives.

Over time and through my own healing journey I discovered some unique abilities. I now channel energies from 12th dimension, have access to various energetic healing and clearing tools from that realm. I also do remote energy scanning and clearing that gives my clients instant results. I use the ight language to shift and direct energies that impact people during 1:1 work and as well the collective.

My goal is to share the powerful tools with people who are ready and willing to step into their true power. We can only heal the world by choosing to heal ourselves. I focus on my own healing and hold the space for you to do the same.

Agne Paceviciute

I discovered Quantum Healing and everything shifted at warp speed

My life was different, but it was never about me - I wanted to explore what’s possible in the Quantum Field and lead by example. I knew that I have a tool to help others transform their lives instantaneously. It became my mission to create a world-changing impact by helping coaches and healers to break free from their limitations and create a transformational shift in their clients' lives.

Over time and through my own healing journey I discovered some unique abilities. I now channel energies from 12th dimension, have access to various energetic healing and clearing tools from that realm. I also do remote energy scanning and clearing that gives my clients instant results. I use the ight language to shift and direct energies that impact people during 1:1 work and as well the collective.

My goal is to share the powerful tools with people who are ready and willing to step into their true power. We can only heal the world by choosing to heal ourselves. I focus on my own healing and hold the space for you to do the same.

Dick Harbers

Carrying on the legacy of Dick Harbers

At 2019 when the world went a little bit crazy I met Dick Harbers, the founder of Advanced Quantum Healing modality. He just newly started his practice in the online space. He worked with clients and was developing this modality for about 40 years using his NLP skills and deep life experience as a teacher.

After a few conversations with Dick and reading his transcripts I realize the magical power of Quantum Healing. I knew this was the tool I’ve been looking for to guide people through their spiritual awakening. And so Dick Harbers became my mentor, teacher, and a dearest friend.

Since his passing at the beginning of 2022 it became my mission to carry on his legacy and continue to provide Quantum Healing work and teachings as his closest student. Dick is guiding me in spirit to continue to develop this modality creating new processes and teachings at the personal level and the collective.

Dicks teachings, guidance, and kind heart changed my life for ever and I hope to become that person for others. I'm here to support, to guide, and most importantly to share my love and light with you.

Dick Harbers

But what is the Advanced Quantum Healing after all?

Advanced Quantum Healing is a powerful Personal Evolution Method and contemporary therapeutic intervention drawing upon ancient wisdom and modern science with a focus on deepening mental and emotional awareness. Incorporating the knowledge from Behavior Psychology, Quantum Physics, Neuroscience, and Spirituality.

Quantum Healing leads to transformational results at all levels of your being. It is grounded in the notion of interconnectedness between consciousness, energy, and health and that small changes on an energetic level can have a profound impact on mental states and overall well-being.

 It is a great tool to heal the mind, body, and emotions, reconnect to your soul, create your desired life experience, as well as explore the metaphysical realm and interdimensional realities. 

Advanced Quantum Healing is a powerful Personal Evolution Method and contemporary therapeutic intervention drawing upon ancient wisdom and modern science with a focus on deepening mental and emotional awareness. Incorporating the knowledge from Behavior Psychology, Quantum Physics, Neuroscience, and Spirituality.

Quantum Healing leads to transformational results at all levels of your being. It is grounded in the notion of interconnectedness between consciousness, energy, and health and that small changes on an energetic level can have a profound impact on mental states and overall well-being.

 It is a great tool to heal the mind, body, and emotions, reconnect to your soul, create your desired life experience, as well as explore the metaphysical realm and interdimensional realities. 

This is what you can expect from working with Agne

Quantum Healing introduced

me to myself

It helped me understand that I don't need to look outside me for the answers. Who am I? What should I be doing? What's the point of my life? All the answers are within me, within my higher self. And we all have that, it's our inner Being, it's our soul, and it gets all covered up with all the lifetime of programming and trauma and just life experience...

It's a gentle guided process. Agne is an amazing facilitator in a sense that she is a deep listener, compassionate and non judgmental and knows how to go deeper, and knows how to ask the right questions to help you to get around to the answers and being able to hear what your soul wants you to hear.

It's a gentle process that brings you back to yourself and it empowers you to make your life be whatever you want it to be.

It helped me understand that I don't need to look outside me for the answers. Who am I? What should I be doing? What's the point of my life? All the answers are within me, within my higher self. And we all have that, it's our inner Being, it's our soul, and it gets all covered up with all the lifetime of programming and trauma and just life experience...

It's a gentle guided process. Agne is an amazing facilitator in a sense that she is a deep listener, compassionate and non judgmental and knows how to go deeper, and knows how to ask the right questions to help you to get around to the answers and being able to hear what your soul wants you to hear.

It's a gentle process that brings you back to yourself and it empowers you to make your life be whatever you want it to be.

Pamela Rathbun

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